Should Kids Wear Goggles During Their Swim Lesson?

Buying swim goggles for kids can be overwhelming. So many styles, so many choices. Sometimes you might be tempted to just buy your kids the cheapest swim goggles online in the coolest color and call it a day.

You could be making a mistake.

Here's what to look for when buying swim goggles for your kids:

  • Good, comfortable fit
  • No leaks

We encourage swimmers in our Bright Blue, Bold Blue, and Big Blue levels to all wear goggles. The earlier your swimmer starts to wear them, the more comfortable they will be.

There are basically two types of goggles: Small goggles that cling to the eye socket to prevent leaks, and large goggles that surround the eye socket and use suction to prevent leaks.

Small goggles are the kind competitive swimmers wear. Don't they look sleek and cool? Your kids might love the look of mirrored lenses and ask for only small goggles. They're less likely to cause rings around the eyes because the goggles don't use suction to keep out leaks. But they can be uncomfortable during long sessions in the pool. They can also lose their seal and begin leaking if the wearer makes facial expressions while swimming.

Large goggles use suction to stay in place and that suction can cause rings around the eyes. They are lined with soft material for comfort, and as a result might be easier to wear for longer swims. Large goggles don't look as "pro" as small goggles because Michael Phelps and other big-time stars don't sport them. But for newer swimmers, they might be just the ticket.

To test the fit of a pair of goggles, press the goggles over your eyes to form a seal. Even without the straps on, the goggles should remain in place for a minimum of several seconds. Goggles that do not remain in place are a poor fit. Well-fitting goggles will completely seal out water without having to overly tighten the strap.

Strap placement is also important when fitting and wearing goggles. The strap is to keep the goggle in place, not to provide the seal. The strap should not be tightened so much that it makes the goggles uncomfortable or leave marks around your eyes. When wearing a split strap, make sure the bottom strap is at eye level at the back of your head and the top strap is just a little bit higher. This will give a secure fit and prevent the goggle from leaking or falling off in the water.

Stop by our pro-shop at a Big Blue location near you and check out the goggles we have available. We carry multiple styles to make sure there is a comfortable fit for your swimmer. Style is something to look for, but good fit and comfort are most important when trying to stop leaks, and headaches.