Why Do Our Swim Lessons Work so Fast? It's as Simple as E.D.M.C.

The way we teach your child at Big Blue Swim School makes sure the lesson sticks. What's our method?

Explain: We use a fun and upbeat tone to clearly state each skill.

Demonstrate: While speaking, we move our arms and legs to show the proper way to perform the skill.

Mimic: We ask your child to imitate what they're seeing so they can feel the right movements.

Correct: We always provide immediate, helpful feedback, in a fun and motivating way.

Our approach leads to faster learning, which means faster progress. You're not spending money to have your kids repeating lessons and levels. You're not spending money to see your kid passed along to the next level even if she's not ready. You are getting progress that you can track, progress that comes from our solid teaching methods.

We're not the only ones who like our style. Science supports it too. Researchers have synthesized thousands of studies involving millions of students will tell you that:


This is a basic step in transferring knowledge from one person to another. Our teachers take cues from your child to see how he or she learns, then our teachers use those methods. Everybody's happy!


Research calls this the most supportive of all the teaching approaches, according to research by Cambourne, 1988; and Mooney, 1990. It's important to show AND tell, as well as tell and show. And that's how we roll.


Not only do we learn when mimicking others, we also build a rapport with them. Tickle-Degnen and Rosenthal discussed the correlation between mimicry and rapport in a highly cited 1990 paper. It's one of the many ways our teachers build supportive, nurturing bonds with your child.


If your child doesn't know he's doing it wrong, how will he know when he's doing it right? By the gentle feedback we offer. John Hattie's influential 2011 paper on teaching methods out that feedback is an essential part of good instruction.

So don't take just our word on it. Science also backs up the methods we use to make sure your child learns to swim while having fun.