Consistency and Convenience With Our Perpetual Lessons Account Model
Consistent lessons ensure your child develops and increases their comfort, confidence and skills in the water. Regular attendance at formal swim lessons – at least once per week – is the most critical component to ensuring a child builds skills, maintains strength and endurance, and builds the habits that lead to faster progress on the exciting journey to becoming an independent, safer swimmer.

Read more about the benefits of year-round, ongoing swim lessons here.
To help your family manage your busy schedules and ensure a consistent weekly swim lesson time, we offer perpetual weekly lessons to all of our Big Blue families! We know there are many restrictive binding contracts and subscription models out there. We want to be sure all our parents understand how the system works to bring you as much value and convenience as possible.
One of our Big Blue differences is a belief in the power of continuous lessons each week, and it’s about more than convenience! Ongoing weekly lessons allow your child to progress at their own pace. With a rolling model, there is no set number of lessons or a single session to complete a level or curriculum. That kind of structure might hold a child back from progressing as they’re ready or try to push them to progress more quickly than they're able.
This model also helps us hire the best swimming instructors around. Knowing our staffing needs stay consistent over a month ensures we can retain our roster of top-notch instructors. One of the big differences at Big Blue is the professional level of our swim instructors, who all go through our rigorous training. We want to keep them in the Big Blue family!

What IS the perpetual swimming lessons model?
On the first of every month, your account is billed to book your child's chosen weekly lesson day and time for that month via the credit card or debit card you have on file. You don't have to set reminders to schedule the only time that works for your family like you might for spots in a summer camp or after-school program. We take care of it automatically for your convenience and to guarantee your place during the day and time your child is used to. This system also lets us automatically prorate the monthly tuition if your child's class falls on a holiday. You don't have to do a thing!
Our perpetual lessons model also lets you reschedule if something comes up on a given week or your child is sick! We have a robust 15-lesson makeup policy that enables you to book a makeup lesson during the next 7 days as soon as your request is processed. You can let us know you're missing a scheduled class and book a makeup easily from the app or through chat, email, phone, or SMS. Only ongoing students enrolled through the perpetual swimming lessons model can rebook missed lessons.
What ISN’T the perpetual swimming lessons model?
Our account model is not a binding contract. There is no fee to start and no annual fee assessed. You are never locked in and can cancel at any time with 30 days notice to withdraw.
We understand schedules change! If the time you originally picked no longer works for your family, you can make a more permanent change to your lesson on the app. You are welcome to change your lesson day/time as needed, though we recommend no more than once per month to help your child/family build a weekly lesson habit. It's also a breeze to put your enrollment on hold if you need to.

Why It Matters
By signing up for a weekly swim lesson at Big Blue, your child will attend their swim lesson at the same time, on the same day of the week, every week until they level up, age out, or withdrawal. It's easy to learn about our programs and sign up, too!
Our goal is to make managing swim lessons frustration-free and encourage the habit-building consistency needed to see the progress in the pool that makes everyone proud! Continuous lessons each week help make that happen.
You can check your lesson time and account information, chat with one of our chat, email, phone, or SMS. See all you can do on our parent app.